Monthly income outgoing spreadsheet
Monthly income outgoing spreadsheet

monthly income outgoing spreadsheet

The chart enables you to determine categories with most and least expenditures, which can help you to analyze your budget farther and possibly identify some categories with partly or altogether avoidable expenses. This pie chart shows the percentage share of the summarized expenses incurred throughout the year.

monthly income outgoing spreadsheet

  • The Annual - Expense and Distribution Pie.
  • The same data is also used in the doughnut charts, which shows the share of each expense category. The bar chart is a representation of the monthly expenses by category. The chart makes it easy to interpret the income source with the largest and smallest shares. The Income pie chart reflects the share of each source of the income, which you receive.

    monthly income outgoing spreadsheet

    The Dashboards worksheet shows a summary of your personal budget in four different charts. This value is calculated both on a monthly and annual bases. Potential savings made by an individual are calculated by simple subtraction of the sum of the Total Savings Goal and the Total Expenses from the Total Income. It also helps with making better savings and expenditures decisions. The monthly analysis helps to obtain a projected image of the overall savings targets that individuals aim to achieve and the amounts they can potentially allocate towards their savings. The net value of the savings goal is calculated monthly, as well as on the basis of an aggregated annual amount of savings. The savings goal can be a single goal or a set of projected goals. The worksheet also includes a savings goal set for each month that one should aim to achieve through successful budgeting. There are various sources of income included by default in this template: The first worksheet is the personal budget worksheet that will hold the details of the possible sources of income, as well as amounts received through each of the sources. Start by downloading the template and recording into the spreadsheet your income, followed by expenses.

    Monthly income outgoing spreadsheet